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Elect Bernie Sanders + Win Medicare for All! Sat Jan 18 6-10p 1430 N Dorgenois St

On Saturday, January 18th, we'll be participating in a nationwide DSA action supporting Bernie's Medicare for All plan. We'll be going door-to-door and talking to neighbors about why Bernie is the only candidate we can trust to win Medicare for All. Not only that: at the same time, DSA chapters across Louisiana will be doing the same thing! Come and participate in this historic moment - simultaneous DSA Medicare for All actions all across the state and country. Drop by Triangle Park (1430 N. Dorgenois St) anytime between 12 PM and 4 PM, get a short training on 'how to canvass', pick up a list of doors to knock, and then head out! Bring a friend. We'll have snacks. Email healthcare@dsaneworleans.org if you have any questions.


Elect Bernie Sanders + Win Medicare for All!
Sat Jan 18 
1430 N Dorgenois St