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Phonebank to Save the Libraries! Sat Feb 20 5-7p

We are calling our neighbors and asking them to speak up and stand up for the New Orleans Public Library System! Join us for this phonebank from 11 AM to 1 PM. If you can't make it during the phonebank, you can still call your neighbors by using these links anytime between 8 AM and 8 PM (there's a built-in script!).  * District A [https://www.openvpb.com/vpb_bycode/46ADC4D-326335]  * District B [https://www.openvpb.com/vpb_bycode/66ADC4F-170455] * District C [https://www.openvpb.com/vpb_bycode/76ADC4G-242959] * District D [https://www.openvpb.com/vpb_bycode/86ADC4H-862725] * District E [https://www.targetsmartvan.com/VirtualPhoneBankDetails.aspx?VirtualPhoneBankListID=EIDB6ADC4K] Not sure what City Council District you are in? Find out here [https://council.nola.gov/councilmembers/].  Join the phonebank here [https://tulane.zoom.us/j/95643857404]. 


Phonebank to Save the Libraries! 
Sat Feb 20 