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All In: Medicare for All Tour Feat. Michael Lighty Tue Oct 23 11:30p-1a 2555 Ursulines Ave

American politics is in crisis. Too many working people are seeing their wages stagnate, their retirements deferred, and their insurance premiums rise. Medicare for All can solve the crisis in health care, but, more importantly, it is a transformative demand that has the potential to change American politics entirely. As a long-time DSA member, Sanders Institute Fellow and leader in the Healthy California single-payer campaign, Michael Lighty will visit strategic cities to lecture on the crisis of neoliberalism politically and economically and the demand for Medicare for All as the issue that can galvanize a mass working class base in the next two years. Join us at the Musician's Union on October 23rd at 6:30 PM to hear about how we can win Medicare for All!


All In: Medicare for All Tour Feat. Michael Lighty 
Tue Oct 23 
2555 Ursulines Ave