Saturday the 12th
Jun 11
Jun 13

Saturday, June 12th, 2021

2021 DSA Elections: Candidate Forum-

The 2021 DSA Chapter Elections will begin on June 12th with a candidate forum and q+a period. We are electing new co-chairs, a treasurer, a secretary, a membership chair, and two at-large Local Council officers. You can read more about these elections here: https://dsaneworleans.org/dsa-elections-2021/

This will be an opportunity to hear from all the candidates about their vision for DSA New Orleans's political future! 

We will be voting online, and if you are a member, you will receive a ballot in your email inbox, so you will be able to vote whether or not you can make it to the candidate forum! 

Register for the call here

Si necesita interpretación de idiomas para asistir a este evento, envíe un correo electrónico a hello@dsaneworleans.org para solicitarlo.

New Member Orientation-

New to New Orleans DSA? Been away for a while and looking to get plugged into our work? Longtime member looking to connect with other organizers and hone your organizing skills? Join us for this new member orientation!
Register Here