Tuesday the 5th
Jan 4
Jan 6

Tuesday, January 5th, 2021

Health Justice Campaign Organizing Call-

The urgent need for a more just health care system has never been more clear than it is this moment. Join our chapter's Health Care Committee for conference-call discussions on how to organize for health justice during this pandemic. Register for the meeting here.

WPL steering-

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 876 2285 0854

Passcode: 322899

Georgia Runoff Election Livestream-

Join us Tuesday evening for an almost certainly ill-advised livestream of the Georgia runoff results starting at 7PM! Come for the anxiety, stay for the inevitable technical difficulties!
We will have commentators from New Orleans DSA and SWLA DSA, with cameos from Baton Rouge and Metro Atlanta chapters. Why be anxious and stressed out alone? Watch it live and chat with your chapter!

Livestream here!