Tuesday the 18th
Aug 17
Aug 19

Tuesday, August 18th, 2020

Comms Admin Group Charter Meeting pt2-

No description provided

Ecosocialism Working Group-

Join us to discuss the upcoming national Green New Deal Strategy Summit and the future of the chapter’s ecosocialist working group! 

Register for the call here

Password: 755253

Health Justice Campaign Organizing Call-

The urgent need for a more just health care system has never been more clear than it is this moment. Join our chapter's Health Care Committee for conference-call discussions on how to organize for health justice during this pandemic. Register for the meeting here.

Health Justice Campaign Organizing Call-

The urgent need for a more just health care system has never been more clear than it is this moment. Join our chapter's Health Care Committee for conference-call discussions on how to organize for health justice during this pandemic. Register for the meeting here.

Medic Training - Protest Health & Safety -

Join us to learn some basics of protest health & safety! Everyone is welcome to join these trainings.