Sunday the 17th
Nov 16
Nov 18

Sunday, November 17th, 2019

Bernie Planning Meeting-

Join us for a planning meeting, we will be strategizing, establishing a Bernie campaign steering committee and discussing upcoming events.

Bernie in the Park! Fairgrounds - Green New Deal-

Join DSA as we spread the word about Bernie's Green New Deal plan. We will be tabling at Stallings Playground as well as knocking doors and flyering in the surrounding area. No experience necessary, a short training will be held. Snacks, water, sunscreen, child watch and all necessary supplies will be provided.

Call: Growth & Diversity Working Group Planning -

G&D WG is looking to develop a chapter survey to better map our current membership and identify a starting point for our strategy of recruitment.

Call in available here or by phone at  +1 530-636-6851 and enter this PIN: 175 819 072#