Sunday the 13th
Oct 12
Oct 14

Sunday, October 13th, 2019

'Inspired to Hire': Pre-Job Fair Canvass -

Join us on our next Medicare for All canvass! At least once a month, the DSA New Orleans Health Care Committee goes out door-to-door in different neighborhoods to talk to our neighbors about the fight for Medicare for All. No experience necessary, and everyone is welcome to join! Email healthcare@dsaneworleans.org if you have any questions, and you can RSVP by filling out this form.

This month, in addition to our usual Medicare for All focus, we'll be partnering with the DSA Labor Committee to promote a Job Fair being co-sponsored by DSA New Orleans during our canvass. The 'Inspired to Hire' Job Fair is a job fair geared towards people with convictions and formerly incarcerated people. We're co-sponsoring it with VOTE, Step Up, NABTU (building trades union) and the City Rec Department. 

Local Council Meeting-

Twice monthly meeting of the Local Council, our chapter's elected leadership body. All dues paying members in good standing welcome to attend. Wheelchair accessible building.