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Socialist Night School: Session 1 - Introduction to Democratic Socialism jue 4 oct 11:30p-1:30a 2022 St Bernard Ave

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For our first session of our Socialist Night School, let’s talk about Democratic Socialism. After all, we’re the Democratic Socialists of America. This session will seek to answer a few key questions: - What do we mean by democracy? - What is capitalism, and why are we anti-capitalist? - What do we mean by socialism? - What are DSA’s demands and goals? Whether you are a brand new DSA member, an experienced organizer, or just interested in learning more about democratic socialism, we hope you will join us for this inaugural session of DSA New Orleans’s Socialist Night School. Readings: - Resistance Rising: Socialist Strategy in the Age of Political Revolution ( []) - Towards Freedom: Democratic Socialist Theory and Practice ( []) - What Should Socialists Do? [] - Bread and Roses For All ( [])


Socialist Night School: Session 1 - Introduction to Democratic Socialism
jue 4 oct 
2022 St Bernard Ave