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Medicare for All Weekend of Action: Canvass with Baton Rouge DSA sáb 15 jun 3:30-8:30p Baton Rouge

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As part of the DSA Medicare for All Nationwide Weekend of Action, New Orleans DSA Health Care Committee will be traveling to Baton Rouge to go door-to-door and talk to folks about Medicare for All with Baton Rouge DSA! No experience necessary, and everyone is welcome to join! We will meet at Corpus Christi Community Center(2022 St Bernard ave) at 10:30am to carpool to Baton Rouge. We will meet up with Baton Rouge DSA for some food and then start with a brief canvass training and skill sharing before we start door knocking! Email [] if you have any questions or would like a ride to Baton Rouge. Exact location TBD. Fill out this form [] to RSVP!


Medicare for All Weekend of Action: Canvass with Baton Rouge DSA
sáb 15 jun 
Baton Rouge