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'Inspired to Hire': Pre-Job Fair Canvass dom 13 oct 8:30-11:30p Behrman Memorial Park

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Join us on our next Medicare for All canvass! At least once a month, the DSA New Orleans Health Care Committee goes out door-to-door in different neighborhoods to talk to our neighbors about the fight for Medicare for All. No experience necessary, and everyone is welcome to join! Email [] if you have any questions, and you can RSVP by filling out this form []. This month, in addition to our usual Medicare for All focus, we'll be partnering with the DSA Labor Committee to promote a Job Fair being co-sponsored by DSA New Orleans during our canvass. The 'Inspired to Hire' Job Fair is a job fair geared towards people with convictions and formerly incarcerated people. We're co-sponsoring it with VOTE, Step Up, NABTU (building trades union) and the City Rec Department. 


'Inspired to Hire': Pre-Job Fair Canvass 
dom 13 oct 
Behrman Memorial Park