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2021 DSA Elections: Candidate Forum sáb 12 jun 5-7p

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The 2021 DSA Chapter Elections will begin on June 12th with a candidate forum and q+a period. We are electing new co-chairs, a treasurer, a secretary, a membership chair, and two at-large Local Council officers. You can read more about these elections here: [] This will be an opportunity to hear from all the candidates about their vision for DSA New Orleans's political future!  We will be voting online, and if you are a member, you will receive a ballot in your email inbox, so you will be able to vote whether or not you can make it to the candidate forum!  Register for the call here [].  Si necesita interpretación de idiomas para asistir a este evento, envíe un correo electrónico a para solicitarlo.


2021 DSA Elections: Candidate Forum
sáb 12 jun 