jueves 10
9 nov
11 nov

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2022

Political Education Working Group Meeting-

Political education is essential to our work to build a socialist future.  Come join us at Parish Hall from 7:00-8:30 to help plan our chapter's internal and external political education projects.  There will be food!

We will discuss Thomas Sankara's speech entitled "The revolution cannot triumph without the liberation of women" given on March 8th, 1987, International Women's Day. You can listen to it on this podcast or read it here (pages 7 to 44).

If you can't make it in person, you can Zoom into the meeting with this link:​meeting/​register/​tZcucu-rrDgv​GtJDK8mkbMOI​d-DQCH53lZI2

Make Entergy Pay Campaign Meeting!-

Join us to plan taking back control over our power! Zoom link here