domingo 16
15 may
17 may

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2021

All-Comms Meeting-

All-Comms is the monthly meeting of our entire Communications Committee. Open to all - If you are interested in getting involved with chapter media, merch, and propaganda efforts, join us! Meeting link posted in the slack!

Pre-Convention Tailgate! -

To prepare our chapter for our Local Convention, we will hold three Pre-Convention Tailgates! These will be opportunities to meet & greet with the current local chapter leadership and hear about what the job entails, and it will be an opportunity to learn about how Robert's Rules work and how to write a bylaw amendment or a political resolution. We will will also have some political debate on different critical topics for the left! 

Register for the call here.

Ecosocialist Working Group Meeting-

Join us for our biweekly Ecosocialist Working Group meeting as we plan an intersectional, ecosocialist political education series for the chapter, develop local strategy towards a radical Green New Deal, and organize to support the regional fight for Environmental & Climate Justice. 

Register for​ the meeting​ here!