lunes 5
4 abr
6 abr

lunes, 5 de abril de 2021

Ecosocialist Working Group Meeting-

Join us for our biweekly Ecosocialist Working Group meeting as we plan an intersectional, ecosocialist political education series for the chapter, develop local strategy towards a radical Green New Deal, and organize to support the regional fight for Environmental & Climate Justice. 

Register for​ the meeting​ here! 

We Stand With Sex Workers! Phonebank to Support Decriminalization-

Join us for a phonebank to kick off the state legislative session! We will be calling voters in Houma, Jefferson Parish, East Baton Rouge and elsewhere to ask them to support legislation to decriminalize sex work. This is part of a coalition campaign led by Women With a Vision and the Sex Workers Advisory Council. We also need to call our state legislators, and we are trying to coordinate those calls as well - sign up for a time slot for a phone zap here

Register for​ the phoneba​nk here

Want to make calls, but can't make this time slot? You can phonebank remotely on your own time! We will release remote phonebank links that will be open the week of April 5th that you can use to call voters. Keep an eye on this space for more details! 

BIPOC Caucus Meeting-

This is a biweekly meeting for Black and brown people to come together to organize and socialize! You can Register Here

Local Council Meeting-

Monthly meeting of the Local Council, our chapter's elected leadership body. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings. If you have questions, or want to submit agenda items for consideration by the Local Council, please email 

Register here for the meeting.