lunes 23
22 nov
24 nov

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2020

Ecosocialist Working Group Meeting-

Join us for our biweekly Ecosocialist Working Group meeting as we plan an intersectional, ecosocialist political education series for the chapter, develop local strategy towards a radical Green New Deal, and organize to support the regional fight for Environmental & Climate Justice. 

Register For This Meeting Here 

BIPOC Caucus Meeting-

Join other black and brown folks to discuss organizing and politics in an exclusively POC space. Register Here!

Phonebank to Save the Libraries! -

On December 5th, we will vote on a millage that could cut funding to the libraries by 40%. Library workers will almost certainly face layoffs if this millage passes. Help us call voters in New Orleans and ask them to save the libraries! Join this virtual phonebank to make calls to voters with friends, or if you'd rather phonebank on your own time, you can use this remote phonebank link anytime between 8:30 AM and 8:30 PM to call voters (with a built in script!). 

Register for​ the virtual​ phonebank h​ere.