jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2020

What's the Deal With This Library Millage? A Teach-In + Phonebank-

On December 5th, we will vote on a millage that could cut funding to the libraries by 40%. Library workers will almost certainly face layoffs if this millage passes. But it's exceptionally confusing - why is the Mayor lowering taxes during a financial crisis? Does this money go to fund early childhood education? What happens if this millage fails? Does the library have a surplus in their budget? On Thursday, November 19th and December 3rd, we'll be doing a teach-in about how this millage proposal works and what the impacts of it will be if it passes in December. Join us for the teach-in and stay to help us call voters in New Orleans and ask them to save the libraries! 

Join this virtual phonebank to make calls to voters with friends, or if you'd rather phonebank on your own time, you can use this remote phonebank link anytime between 8:30 AM and 8:30 PM to call voters (with a built in script!). 

Register for​ the virtual​ phonebank h​ere.