martes 9
8 jun
10 jun

martes, 9 de junio de 2020

2020 Election Committee-

Help us plan and undertake our Local Chapter officer elections! All members in good standing are welcome to contribute. If you have any questions, please email

Register here. If you need to call in to the meeting instead of using your laptop, phone instructions are provided in the registration email.
Meeting ID: 879 0409 2749

Password: Listed in Slack

Health Justice Campaign Organizing Call-

The urgent need for a more just health care system has never been more clear than it is this moment. Join our chapter's Health Care Committee for conference-call discussions on how to organize for health justice during this pandemic. Register for the meeting here.

WPL Meeting-

A space for workers to make changes both in our workplaces and in our society.

Register here:​meeting/​register/​tJwpcOGoqTsq​EtRv5Nf3zeDf​ytxhbLLht18k

Bigger than Bernie: How We Go From Sanders to Socialism-

Register here! 

Join us for a conversation with writers and socialist organizers Micah Uetricht from Chicago DSA and Meagan Day from East Bay DSA. They will discuss their recent book, Bigger Than Bernie, and how we continue building the movement for socialism.