sábado 1
31 may
2 jun

sábado, 1 de junio de 2019

Gimme A Brake Light Clinic -

Join us for our monthly brake light clinic, where we fix brake lights for free to prevent unnecessary traffic stops and speak out against police violence.

No Shortcuts to Building Power: Session 1 with Jane McAlevey-

Join us for the first of three conversations with community and union organizer Jane McAlevey about her book, No Shortcuts: Organizing for Power in the New Gilded Age, and its lessons for democratic socialist organizers. Jane will give remarks via video conference, and then she'll take questions.

RSVP here for call access, and/or join us for a Chapter Watch Party of this presentation. Lunch will be provided, and we'll have a short discussion afterwards. 

Film Screening: She's Beautiful When She's Angry-

Join New Orleans DSA for a free film screening of 'She's Beautiful When She's Angry', Mary Dore's powerful documentary about the women's movement of 1966-1971. The film features interviews with over 30 activists who were at the heart of the early women’s liberation movement, including women involved in the National Organization for Women, the Young Lords, and JANE, Chicago's underground abortion service. Event starts at 6:30, film will begin at 7:00. Dinner provided (additional potluck contributions welcome!). Tea and soft drinks served. (BYOB if desired.) Children welcome. Please email about childcare, accessibility, or any other questions.